INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES![]() Overview Service and sisterhood have been the cornerstone of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® since 1908. With the theme, Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood, the 2022-2026 administration seeks to build upon Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s rich legacy of service by galvanizing our sisterhood of more than 120,000 active members to lead on the front lines of change, education, and advocacy. The Reed administration has six initiatives. Strengthen Our Sisterhood will serve as the administration’s “Foundation Initiative” as we strengthen our bonds to support our service mission. The remaining five initiatives will serve as the “Program Initiatives” which include:
These initiatives are designed to improve the lives of those we serve. We will work collaboratively to maximize our outreach on progressive endeavors and consistently produce leaders who will advance our credo of service.
INITIATIVE CHAIRMENEmpower Our FAMILIESCrystal Williams, Initiative Chairman Initiative Leads Childhood Hunger Initiative Power (CHIPP™) Lead – Jackie Wilmore Youth Leadership Institute (YLI) Lead – Kristyn Renfro Mental Health Awareness Lead – Miriam Harris Our Seniors Lead – Thelma Johnson
Build Our ECONOMIC WEALTHMichelle Moses, Initiative Chairman Initiative Leads Financial Wellness & Planned Giving Lead – Michelle Moses Sister Circles Lead – Jasmine Rice Supporting Women Entrepreneurs Lead – Latrice Martin Black Dollar Days Lead – LeCresha Davenport
Enhance Our ENVIRONMENTDawn Norman, Initiative Chairman Initiative Leads Tree Planting Lead –Dawn Norman Community and Home Gardens Lead – Linda Knight Burkley Waste Reduction Lead – Michelle Salim Shredding and Electronics Recycling Day Lead – Kamaria McNeil
Advocate For SOCIAL JUSTICECharlene Johnson, Initiative Chairman and Nadia Campbell, Co-Chairman Initiative Leads Public Servant’s Guides Lead – Nadia Campbell Voter Education, Registration, and Mobilization – Schelda Williams Candidate Forums Lead – Chara Bowie Public Policy Forums Lead –Mahogany Allen Uplift Our Local CommunityXi Alpha Omega Chapter Signature Programs
2023 Evelyn Ware Math & Science Institute Santrice Jones, Chairman
2023 School Supply Drive
Pamela Holmes, Co-Chairman